A nOrMal DaiLy LifE
Today was the speech and prize giving day. I went back to my old school - Katong Convent. From the minute i stepped foot into that school the first day in sec one; full of fear of what is ahead, until now ; full of high expectations and joy of that school, i feel that i belonged there.
Music filled the hall like life
Candice and i were singing songs last night through the phone, and talking about how comfortable you would feel talking or being such good friends with the people in our classes. And we bth agree, we dont want to let anyone be close, a friend is ok, but i guess you will stop them from being any closer as friends.
My take on the phillipino hostage release.
yoyo!! looong time no chat.. i mean, update. Anyways, since i have been lacking the mood ( and rightfully so cos i will be getting my results on sat and i have not told my mum my marks yet) i decided to update just for the hack-of-it. Plan on satuday...
Hi, i am quite blur as to the number of days it has been since i had put up a proper post. (the one bout the quiz is not counted)
Take my quizzy, just click below.... you cant see it cos it is in white, sorry bt it, but it is there, just right below these words..
CJC celebrated youth day today. It is 4 days late, but the performance they had held was brillant. I especially love the part with Mr Issac Lim playing songs. They were great. The first song was Country Road, then he played Stand by me and then if we hold on tegether. What a nice combination. But a really sad one, all in one shot.
Sch was boring and tiring. That is all i have to say about it.
Okay, first day of school since the 1 mth break. Tml there will be PE. That means, sores and aches wil be back! "Yay! we are screwed!" Anyways, drama got cancelled, damn, no fun. Really miss it, its been too long since the last session, life is getting bored. My dad fetched me and then we chatted about cars and he brought me to eat lunch. Ordered chicken rice and i drank coconut too... =)
Okay, the strangest thing happened. I was reading teh message boards when *BOOM* i came across this, a message from one of the LnC fan.... this was how her post went.
I bought an organiser today. Went to so many places to find a perfect one. Of course naturally i did not find a perfect one. Damn. O well, spent 20 bucks on it, damn heart pain. More on yesterday, went out with Candice, so fun!!! spider-man 2 rocks man! It is like one if the best shows ever. Haha, and not forgeting the fun time at....... COFFEE CLUB over at taka. Very funny. There was a form for us to fill out about how we felt about the food and service. Okay here was now it went :