Is everyone out to shape everyone else?
Okay, so you go through the aches and pains
And finally gave birth to a child.
But does that put you in charge of their lives?
Maybe parents feel that their kids are clays,
Meant to be moulded.
If you left a child in the wilderness
Without tell it what to do
Or what to eat
I bet it would turn out very differently from the way we bring kids up these days.
Take for instance my aunt.
My cousin (my aunt's kid) is not allowed to speak singlish.
Ya,i know singlish is not exactly correct
With all the lahs and and mahs everywhere.
But how can you make a person NOT speak a language where the enviroment he is being brought up in is using it all the time.
I remember my cousin always got scolded when he did not use "proper" english.
Even the maids were not allowed to say lah and leh and stuff like that
So now, my cousin,6, is very smart and has a great command of his english
When he does something wrong or if he did not hear what you had just said he would say, "pardon me". For crying out loud! this kid is 6!!!
Pardon ME?!?!
This is becoming nuts.
But that's not the main topic of today.
Today's topic of discussion is....
drumroll please...
*dum dum dum dum dum dum*
Should Homosexuality be tolerated?
ooo, touchy topic.
My stand is with YES! It should be tolerated.
And NO! i am NOT homo so don't anyone think that.
Why do people discriminate again these people?
Are they different from us "normal" people?
What do *you* call love?
To love a person, as in really love a person and not those shallow crushes would mean to see their soul and like themselves fully.
So why must it be a guy for a girl
Or a girl for a guy?
Why can't you like someone from of same gender?
I mean, if you like a person for who s/he really is then that's true love.
Who cares if it's a dog or a cat or a monkey.
End of the day, That's what love is about
I think society has instilled too too many rules in us.
Trying to keep us "in line" with what they percieve is right for us
I feel that the only reason why the gov sides with girl guy relationships and not girlgirl or guyguy ones would be cos
Girl + Guy + Sex = More kids
Where as
Girl + Girl + Sex = ??? Pleasure?
I mean, with all the birth problems singapore is facing
I'm sure they would not want another one where girls are with girls and guys are with guys.
Imagine being brought up in a society where it is right to date a person of the same gender and wrong to date a person of a diff gender.
We would all be discriminating against diff gender relationships.
So is this not the same for us now?
Thus, i say, Let homos be homos and let everyone be.
As long as no one is hurt and true love prevails, alls okay.
I know god created "adam and eve not adam and steve" as i quote from a friend's speech that time. But God could have easily created Adam and Steve as easy as he could have created Adam and Eve.
How about the virgin Mary? Does it mean that girls should stay away from guys and remain virgins? Or that without a sperm donar you are able to concieve? Nah, Adam and Eve are miracles and part of a story of god just like the |Virgin Mary is. After all , if there was only Adam and Steve instead, where did the rest of the population come from? We need someone to help get the ball rolling right?
Why must people in this country be against these stuff?
It'd be mature of them to just let bygones be bygones and stop discriminating.
If we continue this way
With non stop hatered for one another over nothing,
It will never end.
People will alway find something else
If not create something
To make sure they'd win.
This is the end of what i have to say regarding this issue.
Lalalala.... Now that i am done with some weird babbling, i am bored.
=_= zZzZZ
Gotta study.
Rest over.