Bloggy TIME!!!!
Went to the Simple Plan Concert that day. ROCKS!!!!! WOOOOGHOOOO!!! It was BRILLANT!!! Simple magnificant. Well, to start things off we had lunch at Marche. The we there is Gong her sisters bro her sis' friends and pj with her stead. Yup, we started eating, had a *BALL* of fun time. I mean, we were kidding and stuff. Hmmmm, like,, NO CLOTHES!!! ;) btw it is NO *NO* clothes, so that would make it yes clothes. Heh, 2 neg = + right?
LOL. Hmm, and PJ, i did not kick u so "stop touching me" ;) :P hahhahahahah. that part was funny. Should have seen ur faces when i said that. It was hillarious. hmmm after many fun and laughter and accidents with the tomato paste in my pasta Candice and Shufen came (after gong's sis and gang left leaving PJ her stead gong and I). Candice got a waffle with mixed berries and ice cream on it. I tell you, it looks like cat's brains all squashed at the side. Reminds me of the "The Saw" show, gross. Took some picts there and headed off to q for e concert.
Upon arrival at the waiting room, we went to find gong's younger sis and "jumped" to the front of the line (it did not matter nyway, u'll uundertand why later). We sat and chat for 10 mins before they started to move us into the concert hall itself.
That was when the reallll action started. Not the concert, but the transfer from one room to another. Ever heard of a bull? well, imagine 100 of that charging behind u. All teh red tape and barriers did nto hold them back, they just stood up and PUSH!!!! screaming shouting etc etc. IT is HORRIBLE. The security made us sit down and stand up and sit down until we stop pushing, well it did not work and so they gave up. ppl were getting jammed through the doors and all. There was this lady with a kid infronnt and friends too, she started shouting at us saying "there is a kid in front! Stop pushing can?! " she started to tear up and screamed. We told her we weren't the one and she shouted "then tell them to stop!!!" Yea right, if the security ppl could not control them *we* were supposed to he anle to do that seemingly impossible task??? We'll me and Tez got our first chance at playing body guards (kinda) we used our bodies and arms to push them back alittle (my back aches not with all the jabbing and what not) we did not manage to do nything much just gave them(e kid and fam) more space to breathe. That took alot of energy.
In the concert hall we sat down at the corner (even though we were like the first 1/3 ctowd to get in) cos it was so much more spacious at the ocrners) we layed down and chat jumped abt fooled ard. Tez was showing some WuShu skills. She is on the national team for Netball and WuShu. POWER!!! we started doing high kicks for fun and kinda fight each other (i defeneded. but to little avail. she fought alittle. We did not want to get injured) anyway, the ppl beside us were looking at us seeing what we were doing but we could not give a damn. Pugjelly came on a few songs were nice but nth special. Then we continue to wait for Simple Plan to come out. We waited for 40mins before their faces appear. The crowd was getting anxious and crazy by then. In between they started screaming for no reason and we had thought SP had came out already. Nyway, once the show started, everything was a blur. IT WAS ROCKING!!! it was brillant i'm telling ya. The whole life and all. We were jumping and shouting till our arms legs ears and throats were aching. We sang laughed and what not. The best part is that that concert in Singapore, Right here in this smallll island, is gonna come out on DVD!!!! A LIVE in Singapore DVD!!!!! MY GOD!!! I want ONE! can't wait for it. Then can party again. this it'll be in my room.
Went home totally pooped. Hacve mass PE the next day, could not wake up was super tired and here i am today after school and dinner typing away into this blog of mine. Hopefully some will understand what i am saying. yup. Tml is PTW (i am so screwed, got E00 for e CTS which is saying that i failed 2 papers(with AO passes only)and passes one borederliningly) SO DEAD. SO SO DEAD. But i had given it my best shot then, so that is prob why i dont feel upset or anything. I just need to work on my DRQ and stop going off topic for lit and i'll be able to PASS. When i pass then we'll talk bout the rest. In comparison to last year. My lit deproved by a grade, math improved my 2 grades econs still the same old same old crap. I need to study. I should study. Someone study with me!!!! ARGH!!! the only time i can study is when someone is ard (whether they are talking or studying who cares) and sitting there. Call me crazy but i need noise and life ard me to study. I cant study in my room even though i have one seperate deask for studying. Instead i go to teh living room where ppl walk in and out and sit infront of the fish tank and study. I either need a spacious place or a moderately noisy place. Hmm, maybe i'll try my dad's office conference's room. Always loved an office. Makes it seem like what i am doing there is ACTUALLY important. Econs teach u what wont happen and commmon sense stuff with more terms. I mean, actually i understand that shit. The only thing is, i dont get the terms and what not. When px goes up demand goes up, like who the hell does not know that. what rubbish elasticity. All u got to do is let me think, hmmmmmm, if i was selling rice and no one else was i can mark up the px cos that way my profits will be more and they need food to survive on. But not too high cos there are other food to turn to. this is called substitutes right??? I never knew that before econs, but i sure as hell knew the concept then. Shesh. My brother knews this nad he is sec 2, i can tell you that ppl who never learned econs knows this. Business men and women are not made and cannot be taught, u either have it or you dont. When i was asked what sub i took in JC by my dad's friend who was a business man, he said econs is common sense. I was like Whhhaaaaat??? common sense?!?! hahahahah, u trying passing with that alone. And one thing is for sure, econs is not common sense, it is a bunch of terms that is based on common sense. U know the logic and can do it u still cannot pass, u need to know the chim words. Econs is like saying i Cannot walk even if i know how to if i do not know how to spell W-A-L-K. BULLSHIT, but that is the fact with econs. I regret taking it. I rather take art. Now that is something about life. Anyway, back to econs, i am gonna flunk it and i know it unless i get my butt into gear and stat memorising those shit terms. Of course i learn new things from it, ALOT in fact , and it is not totally useless, butthe same thing still applies it is smth u can know without studying it and i can prove it. Looks at the businessmen all over, many graduated from university. But there are many with just an O level cert or no cert at all, and there are many who majored in something else and never learnt business before yet are so successful, u tell me if u can be a scientist without studying science?? highly unlikely. So then what i think is, econs is abt the economy and not bout ppl doing business, it was a major misconception on my part. I was so eager to learn about business, how to earn money, invest in things, STOCK MARKET, REAL life markets, products and how to BUILT a business that i never stop to think, is that what economics mean? Well, stupid me is paying the price now with torture.
My friend in Europe studied econs for awhile and question why are they teaching us things we know already. LoL, ya i ask that too. Of course i dont know how to answer a essay question, but if u ask me to come up with ideas how to market them prices to set how to promote, location location location. Now THAT is something that will interest me more that this economics we see. Like i say, i dont understand terms, and i dont know alot of things, and i will surely die if i set up a business, but at least i want to get a taste of it from studying. That is NOT going to happen here that's for sure.
Candice is in poly and she gets to do that, come up with an idea nad how to sell it and make a model of it and why would ppl want to buy it? Guess what the best part is???? comeone guess. SHE is taking Chemical Processing. Not econs or business nything like that.
O well,
My mistake
My price
My suffering
Now my turn to do what is right