The Pretender

A nOrMal DaiLy LifE

Friday, September 23, 2005

Hey hey hey!!!

I will try to make this a short post.

Went to watch Lords of Dogtown today! Totally awesome dude! Like totally radical make! I am soo stoked (sp?) LOL.
Ok, then went walking around at fareast but din get nything, saw hats though, quite funky!
Then went to Taka to meet Candice's grandma and enjoy myself!
After that, i went to AMERICAN CLUB!! WOOT~ Sooo nice! Oh man! Tomorrow they are like gonna have this AFL premiership showing in the morning at the Union Bar. I wanna watch!!! Ok, AFL - Football League. haha.. American Football not soccer.
Shiok! Ok, then my mom bought Pizza!!! Pepperoni pizza with EXTRA cheese! Oh man! It is the best pizza ever!! I just had a slice for dinner in my room(too lazy to get out of my room cos watching the Korean Drama. haha) Oh and then my dad picked me up from the club in his Lamborghini Gallardo! LOVE THAT CAR!!! *hugs car* ^^ Btw, it is a 5 litre car, always cant seem to remember that.

Ok, i just bought this Korean Drama and just watched it finish, it is called 'Save the Last Dance For Me' So touching and nice!! The ending was too short, as in presonally speaking. But that is just how i feel, maybe u guys feel otherwise, who knows? Just go and watch the show! Remember you dont have to be a fan to like it!

I bought All American Reject's Latest's album and Bon Jovi Greatest Hits. Have not listen to bonjovi yet but AAR rocks! The song Dance inside it really nice, you should hear it if u have the chance.
Like finally right? wahhahahaha.. ok then ciao.

p.s.: i told u i wil keep it short. Well, at least shorter than the rest. hehe.. ciao! and take care folcs(fans of lois and clark) and of of course u folks too! ;)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Ok, go figure. Only Smallville can make me soooo furious and fustrated that i would end up writing a post to vent my anger in the middle of the night in the midst of my prelims(which i have not studied for) and am totally drowsy due to medicine...

Ok, Smallville is crap.
That is the thesis of this post.
You dont like it? Fine. Defend ur belief, cos i would really like to hear it.

Firstly, Lana is now the main character in Smallville, NOT CLARK noooooo it is LANA. The show Smallville is spose to be bout Clark but yea whatever right? Lana's happiness is no. 1 right?



Millar: "If you look at the Clark/Lana relationship, it's actually extremely destructive for Lana. Going out with Clark, it's really pretty horrible for her, falling in love with someone who can't tell you the truth and you know that they're hiding something from you. There's a lot of angst for Lana that is pretty damaging. Why does she take it from him? You look at the reality of it - his lies, constantly changing personalities...."

Gough: "It's a relationship where they seem like they should be together but Clarks' not capable at this point in his life of making sacrifices that he needs to to be with her. And now, we've introduced Lois and seen the moment where he meets the woman that he will ultimately end up with, who can frankly roll with the punches of his crazy life

Horton: Jensen and Kristen appear to like each other and that's throwing a dagger right into the heart of the audience who believe that Clark and Lana should be together forever. BOOM! [But] in my heart I believe that Clark loves Lana, until he goes to college and she goes away, whatever. Some kind of separation makes his heart turn to Lois at some point. For the life of the series, from my perspective, every time he sees Lana he thinks 'I should be with her, she's what fulfills me.' Lana, on the other hand, has legitimate reasons for moving on and, much like a high school crush, 40 years later when you run into someone at the high school reunion there is still a little spark there, but that doesn't mean that that person loves who they're with now any less, so she's far freer to have her life expand.

Horton: Without that gut-wrenching, 'I-can't-have-what-I-really-want' Clark becomes less sympathetic and less vulnerable. Lois will earn it over a period of time - how she works out in terms of an acceptable love triangle for the audience, you have to earn that. Going back to the pilot, the minute you met Clark and saw him meet Lana, you just went 'these people should be together, now!' You can't force that. We can write stories, try this and that and present them - until the audience accepts that Clark loves Lois and it's what is meant to be, we can claim it until we're blue in the face, the audience are the ones who validate us. I don't believe he could fall in love with Lois like that."


OK! i think that settles it right? It is Lana this, Lana that. Lana has had god know how many boyfriends, and mind you, which she ends up either killing them or they dying or something. Lana is just a nooorrmal girl with a pretty face and a "power" to make all the guys and mutants fall in love with her. Sesh, NOT ONE unmarried single teenage hot blooded male can resist. Pathetic. I won't be surprise if they make Jonathan Kent fall hopelessly in love with her too or Lex for that matter. Wait, Lex is already in love with her. Oh well then. Even the most evil person cannot escape this vixen.

" don't believe he could fall in love with Lois like that" Like what exactly?! Like they were meant to be together? Like they were hopelessly meant to be together. Pick up a comic "Smallville", (if i have to quote a character, i am glad i am quoting Lois) They were MEANT to be together.

Ok, Smallville has seen a CONSTANT drop in ratings (oh i wonder why) and yet it is still airing. LOL, the writers probably LIVE for Lana, I have Nothing against Kristen Kreuk but i have ALOT AGAINST LANA LANG. She cant make up her dang mind and is sooo rich that u wonder why she keeps pitying herself.Sure she has problems but so do the other characters. Lana does not even bother about the rest of the world only herself. She is a selfpitiying fool that everyone loves. Oh, plus the fact that she keeps getting herself into trouble, not cos she is trying to do some good in the world but cos she is just so "SMART".

The smallville world would be alot better off without Lana Lang.

Secondly, the smallville writers have insulted the Legend of Superman(if this show is even remotely connected to that concept). Shall not elaborate cos i could go on forever.

Thirdly, Lois should find another guy. If the Clark Kent in Smallville is the REAL Clark Kent - a whiny hopelessly in love with lana yet is "not" and is EVIL, then i really cannot see where Superman came from. I think the only way the producers can save this show (believe it or not, it mayyy be able to be saved) would be to say Clark has another twin in the universe and he is being replaced by this twin who is totally the REAL superman/clark kent. Well, it would not be that unbelievable. Afterall, i have yet to see at least 10% of the mutant population being good. They end up being Evil.

Yea, maybe that is the way real life is, but pleaseeeee, you are writing a fictional story with a "happily ever after" ending.

What's so hard?

Clark has a crush on Lana.
Clark is NOT hopelessly in love with Lana.
Clark and Lois meet.
Clark and Lois fall hopelessly in love in the end.
Clark is GOOD.
Clark is Superman.
Clark has loving parents.
And Perry White is not some drunk! He is suppose to be a great editor-in-chief.

But the producers had to just break every single one of this story structure.
They could have done so much and STILL stay within the boundaries. What a pity.

WB probably only keeps it on air cos they own the show and have nth to lose.

I like Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. I know they have diverted from the main structure at times and made stuff a little too impossible, but compared to Smallville? LOL, It is probably much much much much times infinty closer to the legend than Smallville.
I love the first few movies of Superman (have not seen the rest, i know, it is a sin lol)
I loved Smallville when it was in its 1st season. Did not like the Lana and Clark part but i thought it was sweet, like puppy love and all. Now, i hate it. I would watch it, (by accident) just for laughs. I love it when lana gets into trouble, it would be best to kill of her character permanatly.
Anyway, Smallville has become like Harold Pinter's play 'The Caretaker' - Nothing ever happens.
Well, of course Smallville is not as deep as the play or is even as clever as pinter's play but the main idea is there. Nothing ever happens even though alot happens. And i mean this in a bad was for Smallville but a good way for The Caretaker.
After 4 Seasons. It seems like yesterday never really passed and Smallville is still at it's first ep.
haha, now THAT is a comedy friends.

I think i have said my peace, if you have a comment or something about this post then just email me.
I think you know the email add.
Or u could just tag.
That is if u are not as long winded as the Smallville writers (and admitedly, me ;) )

Ciao then.
I am getting a sore throat from typing. (seriously!) go figure!

Nite nite! Sweet Dreams readers!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Poll on LnC..

1. What season did you start watching L&C? Midway Season 3 in 1996 or smth like that.

2. Favorite episode(s)? ALL THE EPS. But i love 'phermone my lovely'

3. Least favorite episode(s)? Hmm.. this is a tough one.. have to think bout it

4. Most romantic moment? When Clark exchanged vows with Lois in the ep "This time We Swear We're Not Kidding" but i love the moments that Clark and Lois spend together. They were always able to give me a WAFFY (Warm and Fuzzy Feeling)

5. Saddest moment? When Clark had to leave earth and LOIS. And Clarks expression when lois told him she loved another. This is after he had worked to hard to get her(2 yearS) and then she loses her memory and falls for another. Clarks face looked like his heart was really breaking into pieces. And he seemed to be holding back tears in his eyes. The man of steel crying. Now that is sad.

6. Moment that made you want to punch the TV? Everytime Lois gets into trouble or falls for someone else EXCEPT clark. LOL

7. Sexiest moment? OOO, when DEAN CAIN IS Topless. hahaha.. The part where they just had "super" sex - the beginning of the ep 'Brutal Youth'

8. Favorite/least favorite villian? LOL all except LEX LUTHOR AND TEMPUS.. "like DUH!"

9. Favorite supporting character? I always loved Martha and Jonathan Kent. Perry and his "Great Shades of Elvis!"

10. Favorite line? Lois: "If anything happens, tell Clark that I love him." Superman: "He knows, but I'll tell him." ("... And the Answer Is")

Clark(in 'Ordinary People'):
"There's no one way I feel. I feel
so many things. And all at once...
Happy but kinda scared... Excited..
calm. Lost... found. Safe in a
way I've never known, but in
danger, too. This thing with us,
whatever it is... is stronger than
me. Being with you is stronger
than me alone. That's new for me"

Love Lois and Clark.. and now you know why.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hi once again..

Alright, quick update on the past couple of days.
I got a new hp - Sonyericsson k750i
Went with my dad and his friends to johor in the lamborghini, which btw i must add was superb!
Hit a speed of 260km/h , was just for awhile though
Average speed at about 160km/h
I learnt new stuff
1) they keep their headlights on the whole way cos they are speeding and so cars infront can see them coming.
2) they put their right signal light on while keeping to the right side of the expressway in hopes of the SLOWER cars infront to move to the left to give them space.

WOOHOO!!! SUCH A GREAT TIME! G force was super fun especially when the car makes such a sweeeet sound. Fierce noise. The kind that makes ur stomach rumble.

Ok, back to present. will blog about what happened today later.. for now..

Have you ever felt like you knew someone but never really knew them?
Or how some people, no matter how close to you and no matter how much time you spend with the person or share with the person they are not as close to you as some others who spend lesser time and do lesser stuff together. I don't know, maybe it's just me (though i doubt it)

Life can be a bitch, but life is the way life is.
I realised that i love speed. No for the rush you get cos you are going so fast, rather, it is cos you ARE GOING SO FAST AND so many OTHER things happen.
You know that sometimes we wish we could skip certain parts of a movie. How we wish we could just fast forward some points of our life.
When you are going really really fast, you feel as though you were moving past life itself and for that second you could actually stand a chance at beating time.
It makes you feel that life did not matter and how simple life is. That life was never complicated to begin with. That all that consist within life was life and death, these 2 "elements". You see, when you are moving at that speed, a small stone on the road can cause you your life, that everything was never really that important.

You see, my dad wanted to drive slowly yesterday, even when there was clear road. He would not cut here and there between the cars and he was the last among the group cos the other 2 had sped when they had the road too. Well, i know my dad was just being careful but there is something inside me that just wanted the car to go faster and faster and faster until everything did not matter. I wanted the car to be so fast that we would leave the sound behind and everything in life behind.
And for that minute, I would be free. And death? Well, it was life i was dead already. Well think about it, you are never free in life and only in death will you be freed from life. It was scary cos the whole way i was thinking about being dead. Not dead as in blood all over but dead as in free. I just cannot describe the meaning, it was as though suddenly everything was so clear in life.

But my dad would not push it. He kept asking me whether i was scared and if i was just to tell him and he will slow down. But i keep telling him no. I actually asked him to drive faster.

Well, my realisation of "death" was that life is the way it is to allow us to enjoy death. That everything that we had infront of us was so petty and nothing mattered. Let me tell you, i have not studied the whole entire day and throughout the whole week i just slacked and only read through the econs notes which i did it in like what? 2 days? lol, more like a total of 8 hrs or so. Nothing mattered. I go around acting like a fool and regretting the way i act. Not becuase i want to regret it or i believe what i did was foolish, but because we are who we are from the way others see who we are. WE ARE the image that others see us as. And so if they think i am foolish then i really am. I cant say that what others did does not matter, just as long as i am happy cos i wun be that way. Why? Becuase if others do not allow me to be happy then how the hell am i spose to be happy to begin with?!

No, i will just try to be happy while trying to please people. I realise it is when i dont care how i act that others seem more approachable. Take today for instance, i did not care i started smiling at everyone i saw, lol, be it the family that was sitting next to us(candice, barot and i) when we ate carls jr or at the salon when i saw the caucasian lady or when i saw the indian lady. All actually smiled back and me and i said hi to them. haha.. we are all connected whether we admit it or not.

Well i dont feel like talking about today. why? too depressing. Lets just put it that way.


Saturday, September 03, 2005

Where has the past gone?
Has it left us forever?
Will we ever see it again?
Is it even possible?
Who can bring it back for us?
Can you bring it back for me?

I really wonder..
The past is only the past because we don't want to redo what we have done... the past can be the future..
I think the past i speak of is the essence of what we all once had or had done..
Something that will last, something that will probably not change.

I really hope that one day the past will come back, not to haunt me, but come back to become the present.
Cos now all i see when i look back is so much happy times that are all broken and in pieces on the ground.
I want to pick them up, but how can you fix something that you cant even touch?
Many things have changed and many have not...

We keep saying look towards the future and today.. but we forget we cant do that without a past. Is life worth losing yourself for?
I keep seeing this image of me sitting still looking down and i see another image of me standing and all blurred looking at me sitting..
Perhaps that is what *I* have become, something that is living in the past not moving, just sitting and hoping..
I just hope i can learn..
Maybe i'll learn to hold on tightly yet continue to move on..
To feed more rope so i can do both..